Thursday, November 22, 2012


Hello, BPofGD!

I'm back after a long hiatus, and have approximately 100 photos (yes, 100!) to share.  Having a dogblog without actually having a dog presents some problems for content (e.g., going to a dog park without a dog seems to sketch some people out), but fortunately, the best thing happened this past week...I went to Puerto Rico for a conference and a dog show was simultaneously taking place at the convention center.

Red carpet for dogs.

FOUR DAYS OF DOGS! And friendly humans who were really amenable to strangers taking photos of their (show)dogs.  It was

Oh! And another great thing happened during the past six weeks: one James D. sent me his amazing dog zine. A ZINE OF DOGS! Thanks so much, James--totally made my month. I'll try to take some pix of it to post here.  Dog lovers, unite!

Anyway, enjoy the next 100 days of well-groomed pooches.

Bruno was walking around Old San Juan (and was not, ahem, a showdog). So cute!

Look at that face!
 (I finally learned how to do captions. Hip hip!)

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