Monday, February 6, 2012

Heath Cliff Ledger

Ummmm, yes.


I recently discovered that rad first-year AmSt student/Marx&Jennifer class pal/dancing extraordinaire Beth has not ONE but TWO adorable dogs. I mean, ahhhh! How many grad students do you know with dogs? (TWO, at that!) I kind of freaked out when she told me.

Actually, the exchange went something like this:

Me: Hey, Beth, I love your backpack with the little Boston terriers.
Beth: Oh! Yeah, I have one.
Me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I may have also said things like, "I HAVE A DOG BLOG! How did people not tell you this?! Do you know I love dogs? Like, really love dogs! Did you know that about me!? Will you send me photos!? DOGS DOGS DOGS!" Eeps.)

Anyway, here's to the start of a steady stream of fantastic dog pix from Beth. Thanks, Beth!